Traune part4

Creative Commons License

to be continued…

english translation:
There! A door! Finally, I can…
Let's pick one. Eeny, meeny, miny
OMG! I forgot my 40 gigas of prOn! Let's try another door.

for those who has an artist's mind, use my 3-frames panel and imagine what Pfelelep is discovering behind the next DOOR.
use this pict and fill it with a picture, a sketch, whatever; and send it to me. The bests ones will get a free original pfelelep©'s sketch:wizard:


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14 responses to “Traune part4

  1. pfelelep

    (pardon Auré, j'ai eu une grosse flemme de la remettre en page):zzz:

  2. hungryghost


  3. Mickeyjoe-Irl

    What's with the donkey?No, wait… I REALLY don't want to know. 😀

  4. anonymous

    Fabioudidjiou writes:

    RHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaargh…….qu'est ce que c'est que ces trois dernières cases! non mais ho.on respecte son lecteur môssieur.

  5. I_ArtMan

    i'll give it a go tomorrow. saved the page.

  6. pfelelep

    @Hungry: alors… heureuse? :D@Mickeyjoe: it's a subliminal donkey, only highly-sex-frustrated people can see it.:angel: @Fabio: je suis déolé, je sombre dans le commercial ces derniers temps. @Artman: unleash yourself! :wizard:

  7. Mickeyjoe-Irl

    What donkey :confused: I don't see any donkey :whistle:

  8. sprogger

    Hey its not Pr0n when you can call it anatomy reference for your sketching 😉

  9. Liu

    How many doors is there in your drawing ? 9 ? 10 ? I can't wait for their opening ! Bwahahaha ! 😀

  10. musickna

    :yikes: (Almost) everyman's dream! 😀

  11. pfelelep

    @mickey: this donkey is a WMD indeed; it disappear soon as we might have seen it.@sprogger: that's what I'm telling all the girls I meet, but none will let me use her as a model. :whistle: @liu: Parfois, je retrouve des trucs, ça me fait peur. Alors je me dis que c'est un autre.@musickna: do you remember the Monty Python's "Brian's Life's" scene when the man get chased by hundred's of naked girls and fall from a cliff?

  12. pfelelep

    No wait, it's THE MEANING OF LIFE, not Brian's life (related to Jesus)Graham Chapman is chased off a cliff by a group of almost-naked women for the offence of 'first degree making of gratuitous sexist jokes in a moving picture'.see if I can spot the video…

  13. musickna

    😆 I think I do – it's been a long time since I've seen that film.

  14. musickna

    That must be it! 🙂

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